
By: Anna Keefe When I was younger I was definitely into reading a lot more than now.  Now I do not read as much as I used to.  A part of the reason why reading is not really my area of interest is because I find it difficult to find a book that I actually enjoy.  What I find interesting about reading is that there are a ton of books about different topics.  I would read the summary before actually picking one but most of the times I end up not liking the story line.  Authors can think of something…

My Life With Literature

Life Changing Literature By Rhys Ancheta I fell in love with reading relatively early in life, particularly with the fantasy genre. These stories sparked my imagination and influenced my make-believe play as a child. I likewise believe that many of the works and media I consumed growing up influenced how I came to view and interact with the world around me. Literature gave me an escape when I needed it while simultaneously offering me a connection to others. While fantasy novels will always have a special place in my heart, I hope that as I become a more widely read…